Categories: Online Business

Using Other People's Articles To Boost Your Web Site Profits

I've always been the kind of webmistress who has shyed away from using other people's articles on my web site. I figured once I got people to my site, I didn't want them clicking off willy-nilly to follow someone else's words of wisdom.

However recently I changed that song-and-dance. And if you're a webmaster who follows that line of thinking, you should probably re-think your strategy too. It's flawed for one very simple reason.

People are online mainly for information. And no matter what you do – or don't do – many of your sites visitors are eventually going to click off to your competitors web sites anyway.

That doesn't mean they won't buy something from you, or perform some other desired action. It's just a fact of doing business online, where your closest competitors are really just a click away.

That's why avid, hard core golfers buy golfing videos, subscriptions to golfing magazines, they read golfing books, they may even have simulated golf course video games at home. People just want great information, and they'll continue looking for it even if they've read volumes already.

So in all actuality by feeding this desire for information (your information… other people's information) you might actually be keeping visitors on your site longer, and giving them incentive to come back. Cool huh?

But more importantly, by including other people's articles on your site, you can also enhance your own profits.

How? Follow these simple steps:

1) Create an article directory on your existing site.

2) Collect targeted articles from directories like,, and so on. Add them to your sites article directory. Make sure that each article is given its own individual web page.

3) Add AdSense advertising or Affiliate Sensor ads to each article page. AdSense has optimization tips at ( Their hot zone map will help you determine the best placement for advertisements on your web page.

By following these 3 steps you've done a couple of things.

First and foremost you've created an additional revenue source. Each time someone clicks on an AdSense ad, you make money. Or if you opted for Affiliate Sensor ad's, each time someone clicks on one, and purchases something, you make money.

And secondly, you've added some new content for your sites visitors. This will keep them clicking around a lot longer.

It's easy, relatively painless, and you can continue adding new articles to further increase you profit opportunities. Just think of it as your good karma for giving the article authors a little free publicity.

Avery Stephens

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