Categories: Business

Tips for Downsizing when Moving Abroad

Downsizing isn’t easy. And this is even harder when you’re moving abroad. We’ve collected some top tips and advice for families and individuals who are packing up their homes in preparation for their move abroad.

Give Yourself Ample Time

Give yourself plenty of time for the whole process (and then add on a few weeks for good measure). This is not just so that you can get everything done, but also so that you can deal with the emotional strain that moving places on you and your family.

After all, getting rid of certain items that you have held on to for so many years can be extremely difficult. Especially when you combine it with the experience of moving to a completely new country when you’re likely to need all the home comforts you can get your hands on.

The best thing to do is take your time, and don’t try to sort through your entire house in one day or weekend. Give yourself a couple of weeks to a month and take it one room at a time, and take breaks throughout.

Small is Okay

There are some small wins you can achieve while you’re getting the ball rolling. Try to get rid of these as you ease yourself into the process and build a full plan of action. For example, the kitchen and garage are full of items that you probably never use. Start by getting rid of these items to start the whole process and get yourself used to the action of imparting with your things without too much of an emotional attachment.

Plan With Your New Home In Mind

You should always be aware of the new home’s limitations when you’re downsizing for a move abroad, as well as your relocation container’s space requirements. If you don’t have a garage or workshop in your new place, you need to figure out where all your tools and equipment will go.

Give Yourself A Break

If you have a lifetime collection of ornaments you feel attached to, you don’t need to get rid of all of them necessarily. You can give yourself a small break by keeping your favourite items as a reminder of the ones you’re not keeping.

Give Your Things To Good Homes

It’s much easier to part with your items if you know they’re going to a good home. It’s also even easier if you’re getting a little cash in return. Start by offering your items to your friends and family, or people in your community. After this, try using online selling platforms such as Craigslist, eBay or numerous smartphone apps.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

The moving process is a great time to bond with your loved ones and combine your efforts to achieve a mutual goal. Get your friends and family involved too if they’re willing to help. You’ll also encounter all sorts of interesting memories and trinkets that you can reminisce over before parting with them.

Also, if you can handle the packing up stage with your immediate family, you’ll be better prepared to handle the whole moving process, which include unpacking and re-settling in your new home.

Consult Some Moving Experts

Depending on your location, there will be a number of professional packing and moving services you can contact to help you with your move. House movers in Preston for instance can help you plan and execute your moving strategy, from packing up to transportation.

Also, when looking for experts in the field of house removals in Preston, you’ll be covering your bases when it comes to putting in all the right checks and balances, so that you don’t forget anything important.

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