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Sales & Service

Sales Process From A Simple Point Of View

In whatever industry you are working most sales processes are similar, at least if you see it from a higher perspective. The ultimate goal in


A Beginners Guide to Investing

One of the key strategies towards becoming rich is an investment. Well, it is true that many billionaires across the globe were not born rich.


Health Insurance A Must For Everyone

Health Insurance is a device that insures an individual against financial risks of care in case of illness, as well as a minimal income when


How a Mortgage Lender Can Help You

Great! You have decided to purchase a home. This is an exciting time in your life, but it is just as exciting for the other


All about securing your files on USB drive

We all have files and folders that we don’t want others to look at. These files could be financial documents, images, videos or some other

Sales & Service

6 Ways to Manifest Customer Loyalty

It is always more difficult to create a new client rather than keep an existing one extraordinarily happy. What are you currently doing to maintain

Sales & Service

Good Sales Tips About Selling Disappointment

Suppose, for a moment, that you are a salesperson or business owner. You’ve been working on an excellent new prospect for several months. If your