Sales & Service

Phrases That Every Sales Interviewer Wants To Hear

I’ve seen all types of both positive and negative sales interviewing tactics, blunders and poorly written follow-up e-mails. However, whether many of these interviewing aspects


The Five Most Important Industrial Uses of a Cherry Picker

If you are looking for industrial diversity in one piece of machinery, a cherry picker steals the show. Especially in the spectrum of engineering and


4 Benefits of Gamification in Learning

Two ways can be used to define gamification. One is to use game elements to make activities more interesting, and the other one is using

Small Business

9 Reasons For Having A Website

While promoting my website design business I contact many small and medium size enterprises who don’t have a website. Sometimes it is the perceived cost


How to Eliminate Wasted Display Advertising Spend

Saving money while building strong brand awareness and increasing revenue sounds too good to be true, but with the right strategy it’s not as impossible