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How To Get More Online Reviews

How do you decide if a product is good? or A hotel serves good food or how to decide to watch a movie or not? You just don’t rely on the product description or the menu cards or synopsis the clients provide us, You check for customer reviews. You read about experiences each customer had with a product or service before you purchase them.

So how does a business gain reviews and thereby find a growth out of it? Socialpulsar, a result driven social media company has some tips for the clients to gain reviews or how to manage customer reviews for the growth of the company

Try the email campaign, it’s the easiest and simplest way of reaching each customer. Put the question straight and short, bearing in mind that all customers won’t have time for a review. Only the ones with happiest and the one who had the worst experience would make an intentional review. So for all the others who you expect to review don’t have time, therefore, keep it short and simple.

Posting a review post in any social media platform is a great way to interact with people. If people are taking some time to check your webpage then we can expect them to leave a comment/ review.

Reward those who review. Offer vouchers, discount codes or cookies for anyone who takes an effort in taking the time to review. This will encourage others to check the review mail or post or campaign.

If your business has an app, you can always do a pop-up review while people open the app or while updating the versions. It’s always better to ask for a review when you have provided a service so good and the people are happy about you.

If your business has a support forum, then urge the customers to review you. The place would be crowded by your customers, so it is obviously the best place to interact with your customers and raise a review.

Make calls, it’s not always online. Make things a bit more personal between you and your customers. You can provide a voice interactive review session after every call you make with the customer or when a customer reaches you through a call.

Always remember, make the review process an easy and simple process wherein you value the time of customers and provide them with just enough data for a quick review.

SocialPulsar draws few pointers for companies for better reviewing process.

Use the right language, use it simple while requesting a review on online platforms.

Give each customer to choose the level of satisfaction they had without hesitation.

Customers should be given detailed review options after they have done a basic process of clicking 5 stars or happy/sad smiley faces. This will give customers a sense of being heard by the client.

Happy reviews should be asked to share in the customer’s social media profiles and maybe the company can appreciate the effort of the customer by offering a good deed like saving a tree or tiger or water or donations to an orphanage.

That’s all you need to know when it comes to gaining online reviews. Hope this helps you to funnel in your reviews and help grow the company.

Dana Snow

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