Categories: Sales & Service

Hazmat Shipping for Safe Handling of Hazardous Materials

Hazmat shipping as the name imply deals in the shipping of hazardous materials (Hazmat = Hazardous + Materials) to various places using roadways, airways or waterways. These constitute a long list of materials that are integral for various manufacturing processes but dangerous to life and property if mishandled during storage and transport.

So what are the solutions that have been formulated by concerned authorities across the world? Well, though most of the countries have their individual rules and regulations yet all of them have to abide by the laws laid down by the UN. As per the UN packaging rules, a company dealing with Hazmat shipping should include:

  • Boxes that comply with all UN, DOT, IATA and ISTA regulations.
  • Certified shipping systems that are specially designed to meet specific domestic and international shipping of hazardous materials.
  • Have a proven track record of complying with all the regulations to protect shipping of hazardous materials and the environment.
  • Save on costly fines for improper shipping and provide for worry-free hazardous materials transportation.
  • Have an experienced design team who can customize and certify a packing system to meet your specific shipping requirements

Today, there are many packaging and shipping companies that deal with hazardous materials. Before taking recourse to any company for your needs, it is very important for you to ensure that they are reliable and have enough experience in the field. You can get these packaging products either in a flat or pre-assembled form as per your individual needs. Check out if it is well equipped to supply you with CHEM-TRAN and VISA-PAX shipping system with all the required packing instructions and certification reports intact.

The rules and regulations for Hazmat shipping are updated in many countries, as per the needs of the time. The Federal government has recently upgraded its laws in the year 2007 regarding the international air transport of hazardous materials. These rules apply to both domestic as well as international air shipping. According to them:

  • Each person involved in the shipping and/or handling of hazardous material must be trained.

  • Recurrent training for air shipments must occur every two years.

  • An enforcement agency may review training records at any time.

The three above points imply that a Hazmat shipping company should be familiar with the legal responsibilities like the fulfillment of adequate training needs, details of proper record keeping, and fines for non compliance etc. Additionally, details of proper Hazmat packaging should be taken into account. This includes proper marking and labeling of packages that are to be shipped. It is very important to put labels with adequate packing instructions on the packages for safe Hazmat shipping of all dangerous of potentially dangerous goods. Be 100% UN Packaging or Hazmat Packaging compliant and get assured safety just everywhere.

Avery Stephens

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