Sales & Service

How Can You Avoid Price Objections?

Has this happened to you? You developed the perfect solution for the prospect’s situation. You crafted a comprehensive presentation and delivered it flawlessly. The prospect

Sales & Service

Some Common Spring Types and Their Uses

Every industrial or building project takes a lot of equipment and machinery to get the job done. From steel plate and bar to cranes and

Sales & Service

The Definition of Consultative Selling

In the business development / sales world, an abundance of individuals toss the all too commonly used phrase "consultative selling" around as if it were

Sales & Service

It Is Time You Invest In CRM For Your Small Business

Owning your own business offers many rewards – a flexible schedule, the opportunity to hire good people, the opportunity to leave the office just because

Sales & Service

Zeroing in on good double pedestal desks

In any office, the desks that you have will be of utmost importance. The better the quality of your desks, the better the output you