Categories: Small Business

Avoid Job Related Stress by Becoming Your Own Boss

Stress in the modern work place has grown greatly in recent years and has spurred many studies among agencies of the federal government, namely the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Perhaps now more than ever before, job stress poses a threat to the health of all workers.

Job related stress has many psychological and physiological effects. Stress affects worker health and in many cases, worker safety. The stress brought on by poor working conditions, coworkers, demanding bosses, or stressful job duties causes physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle pain and muscle spasms, tension, ulcers and other digestive disorders, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, and fatigue.

Lack of financial security is also another major factor that contributes to job related stress. Regardless of what your income level is, you still may not earn enough money to pay all of the bills, build up a savings account, put money into investments, handle emergencies, and cover basic needs like housing, food, and clothing.

Many individuals, frustrated with the lack of financial options, are finding alternatives to being unsatisfied in their current occupations by starting their own home businesses. People from all walks of life are finding more satisfaction by selling their own products and services instead of working for an employer.

Despite the demands that owning a business may place on an entrepreneur, the freedom that comes with being in command of your daily life and daily decisions is often less stressful than being employed by someone else.

Your earning potential is as unlimited as the goals that you set for your business.

Starting a business is easier than you may think, and with the right planning, and the right information about how to start your new venture, you will be well on your way to a more fulfilled life.

Find out more information about immediate home businesses and startup information by visiting www.drewavenue.com107 Great Ways to Make Money.

Dana Snow

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