Articles By This Author


No-Hassle Products In Kindle Fire Uncovered

Amazon’s Kindle Fire set the media alight with security and privacy concerns when it was announced. Much of the initial attention was focused on whether

Sales & Service

Outsourcing Digital Transcription and Dictation Services

We recognise that now is a significant and financially important time for all businesses large and small alike, which is why we are writing to


Will Camera Phones Destroy Photography?

Will Camera Phones Destroy Photography? In any "photograph operation" minute as small as it may be, it is difficult to miss the intrusion of the

Sales & Service

Proper Email Etiquette for a Customer Service Department

Customers are making more use of email to contact a customer service department as this medium is quick, easy and it avoids annoying phone procedures.


Using A Free App For Inventories Can Help Managing Agents

One of the most time-consuming jobs that a managing agent ever has to do is carry out inventories. If you only look after half a