Articles By This Author


Prescription Writing Software

PrescribeRx was originally initiated by Prof. Dr. Aminuddin A Khan, the vice principal and professor of Physical Medicine, Chittagong Medical College in the year 2007.

Sales & Service

How Can You Avoid Price Objections?

Has this happened to you? You developed the perfect solution for the prospect’s situation. You crafted a comprehensive presentation and delivered it flawlessly. The prospect


What Is An Internal Telephone System?

The telecommunications industry can be very confusing, terms such as ISDN, VoIP, SIP, PBX PSTN etc. There are many abbreviations of the same term. Within


Buying a tractor from a dealer

Buying a tractor from a major manufacturer has many of the same principles and drawbacks as when buying a new or second-hand car. Dealerships of


Photocopier Machines for the Office

In today’s fast moving business world, it is important for companies and businesses to be more efficient and smart in how they work. Gone are