Articles By This Author


Uses for a GPS Tracking Device

Uses for a GPS Tracking Device A GPS tracking device is a part of your daily life. Whether you like it or not, for those

Sales & Service

Selling Tips for the Beginner

Selling is not a numbers game anymore. Nowadays effective sellers need to study their target markets and only try to sell to companies that are


Insurance as it is in the 21st century

When people are faced with the unexpected such as accidents and its like, the best security at hand to mitigate such situation is being insured.

Home Business

Things to Know Before Starting a Fulltime Online Business

The internet has immense potential for one having a successful business if they take time to learn and know about the processes involved and the

Sales & Service

6 Ways to Manifest Customer Loyalty

It is always more difficult to create a new client rather than keep an existing one extraordinarily happy. What are you currently doing to maintain