Articles By This Author


The Smart Contact Lens Bubble

The Smart Contact Lens Bubble New technology is being created faster and faster these days. The rapid pace of development in the tech sector is


How to Set Your Social Media Goals For 2018

Social media experts are everywhere and there are many varying opinions on what’s ahead in the constantly changing landscape. In this post we’re going to

Small Business

25 Ways to Find Companies to Buy

When you start your program to purchase your “ideal” company, you quickly realize that your ultimate success will depend on two primary skill sets: 1)


4 Top Email Marketing Services for Entrepreneurs

Your newsletters don’t have to be a chore. Writing about what you do should be an enjoyable experience and when it is, it will reflect


4 Tips When Choosing a Document Translation Service

In every document translation services, the process involved is not as easy as it seems. Translation services entail technological resources from human which is invaluable.