Articles By This Author


The benefits of becoming a professional digital marketer

Good career opportunity To become a professional digital marketer, you can possess knowledge on specific qualifications such as a Professional Diploma in Digital marketing and

Sales & Service

What is Medicare Open Enrollment?

The Medicare Annual Open Enrollment (AEP) for 2012 begins four weeks earlier this year starting October 15 – December 7 of 2011. With millions of


How to Create a Pitch Deck that Converts

A not so long time ago, in a galaxy not far away at all, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Uber and other well-known tech companies were struggling


The Impact of Business Statistics

Any manager who likes to be successful & efficient for her/his job ought to conform to three conditions: manage properly and deal with the health-fitness


How to Choose a Digital Camera

Nowadays, everyone loves taking photographs and the best photographs are still taken with a digital camera. However, while some people may have you convinced that