Articles By This Author


How ADN Helps Crypto Funding Evolve

ADN has made another solution to help crypto’s trademark crowdfunding effort to have another viable option for it to continue evolving. Every approach mentioned has


Features of Successful Mobile Apps

With almost 4 million mobile apps available for download on Google Play alone, it can be difficult to see how you can develop a business


The Importance of Digital Marketing

The Internet has played a big role in people’s daily lives inciting a great impact in various aspects. With the constant development and advancement of


Powerful Mindset Tips Towards Successful Networking

Most people say that the key to successful business networking is how you interact with the people you meet in a networking event. This might


Crafting a Successful Marketing Strategy

From startups to medium sized to multinational organizations, businesses face a common struggle which is a balancing act of plans, strategies, departments, and decisions. All