Interesting Trivia about Surveillance Cameras

The presence of surveillance cameras both in public and private areas has been observed in this current era. With the ultimate goal to deter crimes such as theft and robbery, people instantly tapped the service of modern technology to help them solve such problems. These modern devices serve as their eyes to monitor certain areas they want to keep secured. Surveillance systems can record videos or footages that will serve as reliable evidence in times of crimes.

Truly, this modern security device had provided big boost to our safety. But did you know when the first surveillance camera was invented by whom? And why it was invented? Here are some interesting trivia that will make you appreciate more the value of your security cameras.

  1. When was it invented – The use of surveillance cameras gained an unprecedented boom in the 2000’s but the device has existed for a longer time than most people think. Although not as modern and high tech as it is today, people started using the device in the 1940’s.

  2. German technology – Yes! They are a German invention. Created by Walter Burch, an engineer from Germany, surveillance cameras were first used in the country to observe the rocket launch in 1942. By 1960’s, the Americans adopted the use of the device in their business to thwart crimes. While Germans were the first to use the device, banks were the first industry to benefit from its uses.

  3. To Deter, Fight and Solve Crimes – Clearly, the main purpose of surveillance cameras is to avoid the event of crimes such as theft, robbery, and vandalism, which are prevalent in Western countries. The device was widely used in business industry and was installed in common public areas such as train and bus stations and airports.

  4. Flexibility of Use – As the device continues to gain popularity, people expand the limit of uses of surveillance cameras. They are also utilized for industrial purposes. For areas that are impossible for humans to pass in, the device does the job. Power plants as well as chemical factories often used the device. Also, the device is beneficial in monitoring the flow of traffic. In US, the system is used to catch traffic violators. Some companies also install GPS to cameras, which can locate the exact position and location of drivers.

  5. Used as Accessory to Crimes – Criminals are giving the authorities a taste of their own medicine. Surveillance cameras are not just used to fight crimes but also to do crimes. As criminals step up their games, this equipment is also used to stage a crime such as in banks and residential areas. Modern day thieves make use of their own surveillance device to monitor the authorities and the target area and then wait for the perfect time to break-in.

  6. Innovation Never Stops – Even though technology has steered surveillance cameras to major improvement, companies never stop developing the device. Technology indeed has brought a seemingly endless possibility in terms of the cameras’ features and functionality.

No doubt, surveillance cameras have brought wonders to everyone in every corner of the world. Nowhere seems to be safe in this current time but, through surveillance cameras, there will always be an eye to guard your safety.
