Categories: Advertising

4 Reasons Why You Should Make Video Marketing A Must

A picture they say is worth a thousand words. If this is so, then videos are worth even much more, because videos have audio in addition to the many picture frames that make up the video. Needless to say videos provide more information within a short time.

Video marketing is definitely the way forward today. Many have heard this a number of times, and have been wondering whether or not they should include videos in a marketing campaign. I am going to tell you why you should.

Videos Help You Rank Higher In SERPs

For the last two decades, many have increasingly been searching for information online. Because of this, companies have been including search engine optimizations in their marketing mix, so that they would rank higher in the search engine result pages (SERPs). The search engines have recognized the importance of videos, and so you will find videos among the search engine results whenever you search for information. In addition, search engines have a unique section which displays only videos. Therefore, one sure way to rank higher on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines is to create online videos.

Videos Increase Sales

Research has shown that videos increase sales by a factor of 3. That is significant, but why is that so? Earlier, we did say that videos provide more information, but that is only one reason. In addition to this, videos are able to connect with viewers emotionally in a way that will be difficult to achieve with only text. Scientists say, human beings make most, but not all, decisions based on their emotions. With the right message, we can surely drive our point home and induce viewers to take the action we want in our videos, leading to more conversions.

Videos Help You Avoid The Fatal Flaw

Studies have revealed that potential customers quickly scan information on websites until they find the price of items, and when they do, they quickly make a purchase or leave. The problem is that when visitors to websites do this, they skip the most important message, which would have led to conversions. Videos avoid this fatal flaw.

By providing you with absolute control of the sales sequence, videos ensure that customers only see the price when they have understood the tremendous value that your product offers, leading to increased conversions.

Videos Increase Affiliate Conversions

Many companies that sell products online have affiliate programs, which allow other people to make money by marketing their products. Affiliates usually earn a fixed percentage of sales, and they often bring in lots of sales. Research has shown that affiliates don’t spend enough time when reviewing products, and so providing a medium which would provide them with the information they need in the most engaging manner will definitely increase affiliate conversions. Videos provide companies with a tool to do just that.

It is clear that creating marketing videos is the way forward. If you haven’t got any for your products, or service, now is the time to create one.

Helen Lamb

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